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Slinky In a Jumble

Do you remember as a kid playing with a slinky? Sometimes it getting so tangled and messed up that you would just decided to give up and throw it away?

Well that’s where I am right now with life.

Things in my life have been getting increasingly tangled and I can’t seem to untangle them. I try yanking on this thing and pulling on this side but nothing is budging. I know this analogy may seem silly but it’s the truth.

See, I am a very outspoken person. I use my voice to speak out against wrongdoings, to share my opinion, and to show encouragement to others but when I feel like someone is continually putting me down, I get discouraged. My loud, outspoken voice turns into a small whisper over time. When others are rude and put me and my voice down, it makes my heart sink to my stomach.

This then starts a chain reaction inside of me. There is an internal battle taking place pulling me from one side to the other. On one side, my outspoken voice wants to tell these people off for being so mean, on the other side, my whisper is saying “Stay quite! No need to cause anymore issues!” I am stuck being the crossfire. I don’t know which to choose. One side I get my voice back but this requires being courageous and bold! The other side, I get to keep things the way they are and not cause any more problems. I don’t have to be bold or courageous. I can be silent.

Which will I choose?

Will I choose to make a stand? Will I choose to untangle my slinky even though it may be hard and difficult? Or will I choose to throw it away and not deal with the problem?

I choose to untangle it!

I choose to be bold and courageous! I choose to not sit and be silent anymore! I will not put up with this disrespect. I AM a Child of GOD! My God loves me and cares for me! I will not let someone else walk all over one of God’s creations! I will stand up for what is right! I will choose to protect others from hatred and I will show love to my enemies because that is what they need! It may not be easy but I will try because I am a child of God and He is telling me I need to untangle my slinky.

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